How You Can Develop a Growth Mindset in 3 Easy Steps

By Amanda Da Silva, B.Hkin, B.Ed, and M.Ed

You might have a growth mindset and not even know it. 

Or you might be like many people who struggle in certain areas of their life because they lack the fundamental belief that they can grow and change. Growth, change, improvement, and success all stem from one thing: belief.

Do you believe that you can succeed?

Do you believe that you can learn and do better? What you believe will come true. The stronger you believe something, the more likely it is to come true. 

Watch the Video and Discover How to Develop a Growth Mindset

This week I've been applying a growth mindset to my own barriers around technology.

If given a chance, I'd just delegate anything to do with technology. But as I start a new business on my own, I have to embrace challenges, believe in myself, and do things I wouldn't normally do.

I bought a USB microphone and set it up so I could get better audio. Buuuuut, well, this time, it wasn't to be. Apparently, there's more to this microphone than sticking it in the computer and hoping for the best. 

So my first video isn't "perfect," but it is done!

And then the next one will be even better. I'm not going to let a little microphone trouble get me down. And I'm not going to tell myself that this isn't for me because I didn't get it right on the first try.

But I could easily have told myself this story instead: I'm not a technology person, this is too hard, I need an assistant to do this, I can't do this alone, and this is going to fail!

That self-defeating narrative is what a lot of us have running through our heads.

For some people, their story of "can't" might be about relationships. While for others, it might be about work or money or technology. 

This is where working on developing a growth mindset comes in.

Carol Dweck, a Stanford professor of psychology, has written about how to develop a growth mindset in her book, 'Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.' She popularized the conversation around mindset. But before her, the idea of a growth mindset was being spread by personal development and motivational speakers around the world. They just didn't call it that. (Full disclosure: I've never read Dweck's book!)

I've been developing a growth mindset for years.

It's one of my so-called secrets to success. People sometimes ask me how I get so much done. Here's the simple answer: my mantra is "I can!" If I want to achieve something, I always tell myself that I can. 

The number one difference between people with a growth mindset and those with a fixed mindset is the idea that they have about their abilities.

If I had a fixed mindset, I wouldn't have even bought that USB microphone.

My belief about myself would be this: my abilities are fixed and cannot change, so I might as well not even try.

People with a fixed mindset are less likely to flourish only because of their belief system. If you don't believe you can grow in particular areas, you won't even try. Then your beliefs become self-fulfilling.


3 Steps for Developing A Growth Mindset:


1. Believe.

The first step in developing a growth mindset is to have the faith and belief that you can accomplish and work toward a goal. Anything worth working for does take rigorous focus and hard work. But with the belief that you CAN do it, you’ll be able to take the steps that’ll get you there.

2. The second aspect to consider is the action piece.

Once your belief is in place, you have to take action! With consistent effort and a focus on strategies that'll move you towards your goal, you'll notice daily small wins. This will reinforce your belief that you CAN do it. (It’s a positive cycle!) Within that bucket of "taking action," you might try the following:

  • visualize achieving your goal

  • create a daily habit and track it

  • follow a progress plan and check in on it weekly

  • reset your thoughts when they become self-defeating — turn I can't into I CAN!

3. Rinse, repeat, and let your brain do the work.

Growth is the by-product of your thoughts, actions, and practices. The neuroplasticity of our brains allows new synapses to form. So as you do steps one and two, your brain will automatically "reorganize" itself to help you continue growing and succeeding. No matter what age you are, your brain can still develop new synapses and help you create change!

Life Becomes More Fulfilling

Having a growth mindset is the only way to live a life full of fulfillment.

Since I was a little girl, I have naturally gravitated toward this way of thinking. For some reason, I just knew that with the power of optimistic thinking, a sense of purpose and a plan to follow, I could always succeed.

It sounds simple because it is simple. 

When you combine a growth mindset with a simple plan and some optimism, you can achieve what matters to you most. 

So which do you have? A fixed mindset or a growth mindset?

And are there areas of your life that you approach with one mindset or the other? Do you have a growth mindset at work and a fixed mindset at home? Or vice versa… Let me know in the comments below. I would love to hear from you!

Amanda Da Silva | DS Education Group

Amanda Da Silva, Coach and Educator

Hi! I’m Amanda Da Silva.

I’m a mother of two boys, a wife, daughter, teacher, entrepreneur, former independent school CEO, and life-long learner. I’m all about personal growth, community 💕, and being of service. (Find out more about me here.) In addition to being passionate about personal development, I’m an educator and coach with 20-years experience teaching and leading in the BC school system. I have a B.Hkin, B.Ed, and M.Ed, specializing in leadership and administration. Creating community and leading thriving teams are two of my favourite things to do. I also love helping people live empowered and growth-oriented lives.

I hope you’ll join me as we build our success together! 🙌



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