Are You Living Your Personal Values?

Here’s why having a Personal Values Statement is so important.

By Amanda Da Silva, B.Hkin, B.Ed, and M.Ed

4-minute read

Love is a personal value. Keep reading to find out why living your personal values is so important and what you can do to become more true to yourself. | photo from unsplash

Love is a personal value. Keep reading to find out why living your personal values is so important and what you can do to become more true to yourself. | photo from unsplash

Your Personal Values Statement will Create Your World

In British Columbia, Canada, we have an outstanding Provincial Health Officer who has recently become an icon because of her values.

Dr. Bonnie Henry has led our province's efforts to curb the Covid-19 crisis, and she has done so with grace. She's careful, wise, and centred in her approach. In the process of leading our response, she's become an icon in this province. Citizens look to her for the stability and calm she provides.

Recently, John Fluevog, a well-known Canadian shoe designer, has created a pair of pink pumps for women, branding them The Dr. Henry Shoe! (I have to admit they are adorable, and I want a pair.) The tagline for the shoe: "Be Kind, Be Calm, & Be Safe." 

Dr. Bonnie Henry is well-regarded for the consistent, caring, and research-based approach she takes when making her decisions and daily statements surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic. 

She continually reminds us that we must "be calm, be kind, and be safe!" 

That personal values statement has become a mantra which now guides an entire province's response to troubled times. Kindness, calm, and safety are all fundamental values. These values have now become part of the fabric of our psyche in BC. 

Dr. Henry has used this phrase so often that those values are in our heads and hearts when we interact with others daily as we try to stabilize our lives. Perhaps this is why BC is returning to normal in such a calm manner. People have adopted a response that is thoughtful and respectful. 

Can you see how personal values can change the world we live in?

Are You Living Your Personal Values? Watch the Video to Find Out


Watch the Video ⤴

Are You Living Your Personal Values Every Single Day?

To say that values are important is an understatement. 

They are our guiding light, our North Star. 

I began focusing my recent blogs on personal values by sharing how you can define your own values and use them to make better decisions.

But I have to ask you this: Are you living your personal values?

Your values will become a guiding light in your life. Just like the North Star has guided so many travellers in the days before GPS, your values will guide you home. | photo from unsplash

Your values will become a guiding light in your life. Just like the North Star has guided so many travellers in the days before GPS, your values will guide you home. | photo from unsplash

It is so important in life to find what is good and extraordinary about yourself.

You've got to connect your heart (values and feelings) with your head (rational questioning). Then you need to ask this: are you living your personal values to the degree that's required if you're going to scale up?

Are you living your personal values to the degree that's required if you're going to scale up?

We only have one life to live, unlike cats, which are fortunate to have nine lives! That's why my mission is to help more and more people live their true values. When we live our values, we make the world a better place. We also make our own lives better and those of our friends and family. 

It's that simple.

Living your values helps you inspire others and change the world.

How Does Living Your Values Help During Tough Times?

In living your personal values, you must connect to your inner being: your heart and soul.

When the connection is there, you become increasingly aware of your values. When things do materialize the way you wish, you can celebrate! But when times are tough, you learn to trust your gut and values rather than being caught up in your circumstances.

The inner work of looking at ourselves is the most essential growth work we will do in our lifetime. Yet, many of us move through our days without much thought. 

If you know your values, you can always contemplate with great clarity on how your best-self would view and operate in response to the situation at hand. 

Let your values-based-intentionality drive what you do in life rather than your impulses and reactions. You'll have a happier community.

Example of a Values-Driven Response

In my current daily life, my young children aged 4 and 7 are at home now all the time.

With that comes many interruptions from them while I think or work. They squabble with each other and ask non-stop questions. Don't get me wrong, I love my children, but in times of stress, if I didn't have values-based-intentionality to focus my thoughts, I may make the wrong decision. I may raise my voice or let anger and emotions get the best of me. 

When I bring myself back to my values (and take a deep breath!), I can centre myself and be patient.

I know an area for me to continue to work toward is do a better job of asking myself these two questions:

  1. How would my best-self check my perspective, feelings and emotions?"

  2. How can I come at this from a more thoughtful stance rather than react out of impulse or emotion? 

Remember, you do not need anyone else's permission to live your life's purpose in line with values that are important to you. 

Always act from your heart. Take a caring approach with yourself and others.

When you move through life with clear values, you'll feel powerful enough to grab your destiny!

Now, over to you! What’s your personal values statement?

Mine is LOVE, LIVE, and SERVE.

Share your values statement in the comments below!

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Hi! I’m Amanda Da Silva.

I’m a mother of two boys, a wife, daughter, teacher, entrepreneur, former CEO, and life-long learner. I’m all about personal growth, community 💕, and being of service. (Find out more about me here.) In addition to being passionate about personal development, I’m an educator and coach with 20-years experience teaching and leading in the BC school system. I have a B.Hkin, B.Ed, and M.Ed, specializing in leadership and administration. Creating community and leading thriving teams are two of my favourite things to do. I also love helping people live empowered and growth-oriented lives.

I hope you’ll join me as we build our success together! 🙌



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